芋傳媒 TaroNews - 台灣觀點.芋見真相


圖片來源:取自 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書

今天,German Institute Taipei 德國在台協會 副代表何峰 (Andreas Hofem) 來到壯闊台灣聯盟的辦公室,簽署合作計畫,並分享了他的想法:「作為在台灣工作和生活的外國人,我們希望能更積極地為台灣的社會穩定、韌性與災害應變能力作出貢獻。」

德國在台協會將專案贊助壯闊台灣聯盟的防災教育種子教官 培訓計畫,針對全台國小、國中與高中的教職員,進行為期兩天的緊急應變訓練。


雙方合作的另一重點,是開發一套專屬的物資與資源管理平台 無償提供給台灣的非營利、救災組織,幫助公民社會在緊急時刻能更快速整合與調配資源。


“We have a shared interest in strengthening Taiwan’s societal resilience.”
Andreas Hofem, Deputy Director of the German Institute Taipei, said today as he signed an agreement with Forward Alliance to begin a new partnership. “As foreigners working and living in Taiwan, we want to contribute to stability and resilience against disasters and crises.”
Supported by a grant from the German Institute Taipei, the partnership will kickstart a national “train-the-trainer” program for faculty and staff from elementary, junior high, and high schools across Taiwan. Educators will take part in a two-day “readiness conference” and receive training in practical emergency response skills.
Forward Alliance founder Enoch Wu said, “This project allows us to support these local leaders with training, curriculum, and teaching aids, so they can go back and make an even bigger impact in their communities.”
“The foundation of our societies is made up of a multitude of local communities. If we make them more resilient, we will make society as a whole more resilient. Schools and campuses are crucial,” said Deputy Director Hofem.
We are also collaborating to develop an inventory and resource management platform to support NGOs dedicated to disaster relief and emergency aid. The system will be offered free-of-charge to non-profit organizations. We hope it will help our civil society partners to carry out their vital missions during crises.
We are thankful for German Institute Taipei’s support and are excited to begin our work together. Forward Alliance will continue to join forces with local and international partners to strengthen Taiwan’s societal resilience and ensure our mutual peace and security.

圖片來源:取自 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書
圖片來源:取自 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書
圖片來源:取自 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書
圖片來源:取自 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書

原文出自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書,芋傳媒經授權轉載。

