芋傳媒 TaroNews - 台灣觀點.芋見真相


圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書
作為國家防災日系列活動的一環,壯闊台灣聯盟很榮幸攜手國際夥伴 Spirit of America,支援內政部警政署、基層警察分局、特殊執法機關等十五個單位,捐贈止血帶、胸封貼、凝血紗布等急救器材,協助提升第一線執法單位的應急能力。
除了物資支援,壯闊台灣聯盟至今已協助培訓超過 1,400 名警察、特勤人員及其他執法夥伴,幫助他們掌握基本的急救止血技術和戰術緊急傷患照護(TECC)的原則,加強保護基層員警和民眾的生命安全。今年 3 月開始,我們更協助警政署,為民力高階幹部與警察民防替代伇提供實質的緊急應變訓練,進一步強化民防實力。
本月也是「921 集集大地震」25 週年。那場災難奪走了數千條生命,並導致超過一萬名平民受傷。我們從這些經驗中深刻體會到,一旦災難來臨,唯有團結一致、齊心協力,才能保護自己與他人。
Forward Alliance and Spirit of America are proud to support the National Police Agency, local police precincts and other special units with a donation of lifesaving equipment including tourniquets, chest seals, and hemostatic gauze.
To date, we have helped train over fourteen hundred police officers, special agents and other partners in law enforcement in basic bleed control and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care. We are also working with the National Police Agency to provide realistic training for police conscripts and civil defense volunteers.
Twenty-five years ago this week, the “921 Chi-Chi” Earthquake took thousands of lives and injured over ten thousand civilians. We have learned that when disaster strikes, communities more than ever need to stick together.
Forward Alliance’s public interest program is our way of giving back to those who put themselves in harm’s way everyday in the name of service. We are stronger when we look after one other.

圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書
圖片來源:取自壯闊台灣 吳怡農 臉書

原文出自壯闊台灣 吳怡農臉書,芋傳媒經授權轉載。

