You by my side that`s how I see us 如所預見的我們,你在我身邊
I close my eyes and I can see us我閉上雙眼,仍能看見我倆
We`ll on our way to say “I do” 我倆走上我們的路說出”我願意!”
My secret dreams have all come true 我的美夢已成真
I see the church, I see the people 我看到了殿堂,看到了群眾
Your folks and mine happy and smiling 汐止和金門的鄉親們都在大笑
And I can hear sweet voices singing “Ave Maria” 我也聽見了甜美的歌聲唱著:”聖母瑪莉亞”
Oh, my love, my love 哦我的愛啊我的愛
This can really be 那會是真的
That someday you`ve walking down the aisle with me 會有一天,你會把我從人生道路給扯下來
Let it be, make it be 讓它成真,讓它實現
That I`m the one for you 我就是你的人
I`ll be yours, all yours now and forever 我現在和永遠都會是你的
圖片來源:取自 蕭瑩燈 臉書