芋傳媒 TaroNews - 台灣觀點.芋見真相


烏克蘭難民躲在遭毀橋下。 圖片來源:取自https://www.facebook.com/UA.National.Police

普丁當局違反國際法,發動對烏克蘭侵略的暴行後,664 位俄羅斯學者與新聞工作者迅速發表聲明,呼籲停止對烏克蘭之戰爭,並譴責克里姆林宮當道挑起戰禍,其秉持知識份子良心,不畏迫害,為黎民眾生進忠言,本會深感德不孤必有鄰,特發表聲明支持可佩的俄羅斯吾輩同仁們:你們並不寂寞!與此同時,本會也呼籲普丁當局,立即停止侵略烏克蘭的這場不公義的戰爭。

學者無論國界均在於追求真理,以期行公義好憐憫,實現真善美於人間。然而也為此常因言賈禍,特別是在獨裁專制政權之下,甚至家破人亡。北美洲臺灣人教授協會許多會員早期曾參與民主運動,爭取人權。也因此經歷獨裁專政的政府在戒嚴體制下的長期迫害,這都不亞於中國共產黨政權當前對爭取民主,人權知識份子的迫害。我們對這 664 俄羅斯知識份子在專制鐵蹄之下,冒險說出實話的勇氣,自深感戚戚焉,更由衷佩服!



北美洲臺灣人教授協會 敬啟

664 位俄國學者公開連署,呼籲「俄國立刻停止對烏克蘭之戰爭行為」


俄羅斯國內 664 位學者,包括一位諾貝爾物理獎得主和十位俄羅斯科學院院士,於報章公開連署,認為「這場對烏克蘭戰爭不正義,並且荒唐」,預見俄國「國際孤立」危機,要求「俄國負起責任」,「立即撤軍」。本宣言可說是國家良心、暮鼓晨鐘,特試全文翻譯如下,敬請分享。











諾貝爾物理獎得主-Konstantin Novoselov
俄羅斯科學院院士-Aleksandr Anikin, Jurij Apresjan, Aleksandr Bondar, Viktor Vasil’ev, Mikhaïl Danilov, Jurij Kostitsyn, Aleksandr Moldovan, Serguej Nikolaev, Valerij Rubakov, Roal’d Sagdeev.
以及 653 位俄羅斯學者。


Appeal by 664 Russian researchers and scientists: “We demand an immediate end to all acts of war directed against Ukraine”

Le Monde – In an open letter published by “Le Monde”, a group of Russian researchers and science journalists denounced Russia’s full responsibility for the outbreak of the conflict. By this act, “Russia has condemned itself to isolation on the international scene and to a destiny of a pariah country”, they still believe.

Tribune We, Russian scientific researchers and journalists, express here our strong protest against the acts of war launched by the armed forces of our country on the territory of Ukraine. This fatal decision will cause the death of a very large number of people. It undermines the foundations of the collective security system. The responsibility for the outbreak of this new war in Europe lies entirely with Russia.

This war has no rational justification. Attempts to manipulate the situation in the Donbass and use it as a pretext to launch military operations fool absolutely no one. It is obvious that Ukraine poses no threat to our country. The war against it is unjust and absurd.
Ukraine was and remains a country to which we are very close. Many of us have relatives, friends and research colleagues there. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought Nazism together. Starting a war to satisfy the geopolitical ambitions of the leaders of the Russian Federation, driven by fanciful and dubious historical considerations, is nothing but betraying their memory.

The war with Ukraine is a step into nothingness

We respect Ukraine, seeing in it a state based on functioning democratic institutions. We understand the European choice of our neighbours. We believe that all issues between our two countries can be resolved peacefully.

By unleashing the war, Russia condemned itself to isolation on the international scene and to the fate of a pariah country. This means that we researchers will no longer be able to do our research normally, as it is true that the advancement of scientific research is unthinkable without in-depth cooperation with colleagues from other countries.

The isolation of Russia in the world will further aggravate the cultural and technological degradation of our country, while closing all the exit doors. The war with Ukraine is a step into nothingness.

The translation and publication of this letter are the initiative of French researchers working on Russia, Ukraine and the post-Soviet space.

First signatories: Aleksandr Anikin , linguist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Jurij Apresjan , linguist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Aleksandr Bondar , member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Viktor Vasil’ev , mathematician, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Mikhaïl Danilov , physicist, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Jurij Kostitsyn , member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of geology; Aleksandr Moldovan , member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, philologist; Serguej Nikolaev , Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, philologist;Konstantin Novoselov, physicist, Nobel laureate; Valerij Rubakov , member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, physicist; Roal’d Sagdeev , member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, physicist.

