芋傳媒 TaroNews - 台灣觀點.芋見真相



(芋傳媒記者林雙牧報導)全球台灣醫衛總會今日發出三種語言的新聞稿對國際呼籲(A call from Global Taiwanese Medical Alliance)全球臺灣醫衛總會(Global Taiwanese Medical Alliance;GTMA),新聞稿中指出全球台灣醫衛總會是結合全球醫療衛生專業與產業,推動台灣參與全球醫療衛生永續發展,並連結全球與台灣在醫療衛生專業與產業的夥伴關係。

全球臺灣醫衛總會 GTMA 認為:世界衛生組織針對中國武漢新型冠狀病毒所造成的全球大流行,其疫情的收集、報告,以及全球眾所矚目「國際公共衛生緊急事件 PHEIC」的關鍵決策,明顯延誤。不僅造成中國所隱瞞的疫情未能及時昭告世人,而且更影響了世界各國的決策,未能及時採取必要的防疫措施。



  • 世界台灣醫衛總會 總會長張武修醫師 Prof Peter Chang
  • 副總會長日本代表王輝生醫師
  • 副總會長美國吳明怡醫師
  • 副總會長德國張良子醫師
  • 執行長陳志瑜醫師(日本)
  • 副執行長蔡益堅医師(台灣)
  • 副執行長王振烽博士(德國)
  • 紐西蘭代表楊貴森醫師


全球台湾医衛総会(Global Taiwanese Medical Alliance;GTMA)は全球医療衛生の專門事業と産業を結合させて、台湾が全世界の医療衛生の永続発展に参加するのを推進し、並に、医療衛生專門事業と產業で全世界と台湾がパㄧトナ-関係を連結させる。

全球台湾医衛総会 GTMA はこの度の武漢新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による全世界の大流行について、WHOの疫情收集、報告及び全世界に注目されている「国際公共衛生緊急事件 PHEIC」の決定が明らかに遲れたと思う。


GTMA は各国政府に強く呼び掛ける。WHO から提供された情報の正確性を再検討し、台湾の疫情は中国の疫区に属さないように訂正し、且つ、WHO と台湾衛生当局が密切的な連携をする。


2020 年 2 月9日

GTMA 副総会長と日本代表 日本医療法人 輝生医院理事長 京都大学医学博士 大田一博(王輝生)敬具

【A call from the Global Taiwanese Medical Alliance(GTMA), to International governments and communities.】[Feb 9, 2020]

The Global Taiwanese Medical Alliance (GTMA) works with the global partners to combine the health professionals, medical scientists and industries from both within Taiwan and internationally to promote and participate in the sustainable development and improvement of healthcare globally.

The GTMA has observed significant delay by the World Health Organization, WHO, in her announcements of the current ongoing global emerging pandemic, which has been caused by the new-coronavirus first found originally in Wuhan, China.

Additionally, GTMA also observed that WHO delayed in making critical calls on Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC) at the 2019-nCoV outbreak. These delays, consequentially, caused China’s concealment of the timely epidemic information to the world, further delayed actions to promptly conduct research and monitoring to understand the disease caused by 2019-nCoV. As a result of the delays, insufficient information of the disease at a timely fashion has further affected the disease spreading, leading to many countries around the world failing to take necessary preventive measures in a timely manner.

Among all countries that have reported cases due to 2019-nCoV, Taiwan is one of most vulnerable to the pandemic. However, so far, WHO refused to invite medical experts from all countries affected by the outbreak to participate in key expert meetings, refused to conduct substantive discussion and consultative meetings and informative communications with Taiwan’s health authority, did not share key health materials, and most seriously, WHO continued to mis-interpret-ate Taiwan’s outbreak information, mis-categorize Taiwan’s outbreak under the realm of China’s.

  • Excluding Taiwan 23 million people from accessing critical health information is an injustice and inhumane act. By agreeing with China to politically claim Taiwan as a region of China has severely misled countries around the world wrongfully under-estimate the capability of Taiwan’s ability to manage the pandemic. There are countries that have been confused by WHO’s categorization of Taiwan has caused Taiwan tourism and trade gravely due to unreal epidemic information toward Taiwan. In short, WHO’s current naming of Taiwan has deprived 23 millions Taiwanese basic human rights and being exposed to great health threats, unacceptable discrimination, and severely affect Taiwan’s economic and social development.The GTMA strongly urges governments of all countries to re-examine the accuracy of information offered by the WHO epidemic information, to recognize that Taiwan’s epidemic is not part of China’s epidemic area, and to maintain close interactions with Taiwan’s health authorities. The epidemic information by the Taiwanese health authority “should” be the only and correct information in Taiwan, to ensure that the 23 millions in Taiwan and all the citizens around the world can be be assured all the possible associated unfortunate social and economical events as a result of this 2019-nCoV pandemic.Global Taiwan Medical Association
  • President Prof Peter Chang
  • Vice President, Dr. Wang Hui-sheng (Japan)
  • Vice President Dr. Wu Ye-Ming USA
  • Vice President Dr. Lian-Tze Chang-Möginger, Germany
  • Chief Executive Officer Dr. Alec Chen (Japan)
  • Dr. Yijian Tsai, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Taiwan)
  • Deputy Chief Executive Dr. Victor Wang (Germany)
  • New Zealand Representative Dr. Yang Kuei-Sen,
  • Canada Representative Dr Lyren Chiu
